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Something to be Thankful For

Writer's picture: Datta KhalsaDatta Khalsa

I was all set to write a typical real estate column talking about things to be thankful for in the current market, which could have proven a controversial topic depending on which side of the equation you are on amidst the current housing crisis.

And then something much more important came up: We had a health scare with our dog Zoe Coconut, who had to get emergency spinal surgery last week.

Anyone who’s been to Main Street Realtors has probably met Zoe, and has most likely been greeted by a cheerful wag and a wet nose, along with a little nudge for a pat on the head or the occasional belly rub. She and our other office dog Sapphire provide a kind of comic relief amidst the stresses that a real estate office can at times be host to, and I have always appreciated the therapeutic relief that their presence brings.

Over a very short time frame, Zoe had been losing the use of her right rear leg due what an MRI eventually revealed to be a ruptured disc in her spine. Fortunately, our local vet Dr Condreay and the team at Chanticleer Vet Hospital had the insight to refer us to the SAGE clinic in Campbell, where they were able to perform a Hemilaminectomy procedure that took longer than usual due to her having more extensive damage than was initially thought.

I am happy to report Zoe is now recovering nicely. We checked in with the surgeon after he had a chance to assess her post-op condition, and he was pleased at her progress just 24 hours after the operation. She was able to walk under her own power again, even running a little, and he expected to release her for home care on Monday, back to her loyal support circle of friends (Carol, Mike, Scott, Karen and the list goes on) who surround her with so much love and care when we are away that we sometimes wonder if she even misses us.

The prognosis for Zoe is basically bed rest for the next month, followed by a month of relatively light movement. Her surgeon predicts, based on what he's seeing, that she will make a full recovery by month three, when she can return to running, playing, catching balls and basically being her usual happy self—as long as we avoid jarring impact of movements like having her jump in and out of the car, which I wish we had stopped long ago (take note other dog owners!).

We feel fortunate to have gotten her under the best care available as soon as the symptoms showed an acute problem and we are overjoyed that Zoe will be able to lead a happy and pain-free existence where she can continue to spread joy and love to everyone she meets. Feel free to drop by and give her a pat the next time you’re in the neighborhood at Main Street, and she’ll no doubt be happy to give you a wag in return.

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